There’s an illumination dilemma in some machines at electronics factories where
surface mount technology prevails.
One of these is the screener, a semiautomatic machine where solder paste is
added to printed circuit boards (PCB) in a process very much like that used
with old silk-print technology. Putting observational light on the PC boards
from outside of the screener machine is difficult as the operator’s head will
cast an interfering shadow and hinder light from entering the machine. Using
a few LEDtronics’ Super-Intensity Sealed Backlight LED Modules (LEDtronics Part
Number STP301S-2x2-2CW-012) solves the problem. Now light can flow inside the
machine, and the operator can easily inspect the surface of the PCB as it passes
by to verify that the solder paste is properly applied to each PCB surface.
The pick-and-place machine is another common automated device that has the
same lighting challenge. Shadows prevent the operator from observing whether
the pick-and-place head is correctly positioning the components on the solder
pads of the printed circuit board. The problem is solved with the installation
of six LEDtronics’ Super-Intensity Sealed Backlight Modules (Part Number STP301S-2x2-2CW-012).
The Cool White LED light provides excellent optimal viewing for the operator,
who no longer has to remove the entire PCB from out of the machine for inspection.
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The Product Used: STP301S-2x2-