In their infancy LEDs were considered to have a narrow range of uses, most commonly implemented as indicator lamps. It wasn't until the 1970s that LEDs made the transition from indicator to illuminator. It became evident very quickly to Pervaiz Lodhie, the co-founder of LEDtronics, that LEDs were the answer to existing, inefficient lighting technologies.
Several decades later, in 1999, LED lighting took another substantial leap in technology with the development of the first T8 tube light. A replacement for the traditional and extremely common fluorescent tube. In the beginning the LED T8 tubes were clear lens fixtures offered in a very select number of configurations. Today, LEDtronics develops T8 tubes in a wide variety of lengths, wattages, and color temperatures.
So what makes the LED T8 so advantageous over its fluorescent predecessor? First, you receive comparable usable-light with half the power consumption of a traditional fluorescent. This is due in part to the directional nature of LED lighting, which wastes far less light than an Omni-directional fluorescent.
Secondly, the maintenance costs are dramatically decreased. With an average of 3 times the life span of a fluorescent T8 tube, it is simple to see how dramatic savings are easily obtainable by retrofitting LEDs into your application.
Finally, LEDs lack the hazardous materials that fluorescents contain, making them far more environmentally friendly and saving you recycling fees. LEDtronics has provided T8 tube lighting for many applications with consistent customer satisfaction!
By contacting LEDtronics for your T8 tube lighting you receive the backing of a knowledgeable sales and support staff, an expansive product selection, and the peace of mind of a USA based facility. Visit our website to learn more about T8 tube lighting, or contact us today and find out how LEDtronics can help you adopt the lighting technology of the future!