In their infancy LEDs were considered to have a narrow range of uses, most commonly implemented as indicator lamps. It wasn't until the 1970s that LEDs made the transition from indicator to illuminator. It became evident very quickly to Pervaiz Lodhie, the co-founder of LEDtronics, that LEDs were the answer to existing, inefficient lighting technologies.
Several decades later, in 1999, LED lighting took another substantial leap in technology with the development of the first T8 tube light. A replacement for the traditional and extremely common fluorescent tube. In the beginning the LED T8 tubes were clear lens fixtures offered in a very select number of configurations. Today, LEDtronics develops T8 tubes in a wide variety of lengths, wattages, and color temperatures.
So what makes the LED T8 so advantageous over its fluorescent predecessor? First, you receive comparable usable-light with half the power consumption of a traditional fluorescent. This is due in part to the directional nature of LED lighting, which wastes far less light than an Omni-directional fluorescent.
Secondly, the maintenance costs are dramatically decreased. With an average of 3 times the life span of a fluorescent T8 tube, it is simple to see how dramatic savings are easily obtainable by retrofitting LEDs into your application.
Finally, LEDs lack the hazardous materials that fluorescents contain, making them far more environmentally friendly and saving you recycling fees. LEDtronics has provided T8 tube lighting for many applications with consistent customer satisfaction!
By contacting LEDtronics for your T8 tube lighting you receive the backing of a knowledgeable sales and support staff, an expansive product selection, and the peace of mind of a USA based facility. Visit our website to learn more about T8 tube lighting, or contact us today and find out how LEDtronics can help you adopt the lighting technology of the future!
If you’re using incandescent or metal halide lamps in your post top lamps, chances are good that you are spending too much money, wasting energy, and/or causing light pollution. However there is a better solution, the generic post top lamp from LEDtronics. Our lamp is easily retrofitted into any existing fixture, and the benefits are numerous.
LEDtronics’ LED technology can achieve significant amounts of cost savings in ways you may not have thought! The most obvious benefit of LED lighting is power consumption. A 150-watt metal halide lamp can be replaced by a mere 28-watt LED lamp, producing a comparable amount of usable light.
LEDs can also create savings by reducing maintenance costs. LED lamps boast a longer life expectancy than any other lighting technology on the market, with an average rating of 50,000 continuous hours of use.
The environment needs our help, and by implementing LEDtronics’ LED technology in to your application you can easily do your part to reduce the carbon foot print! In addition to gaining substantial cost savings, LED post top lamps reduce light pollution and do not contain the harmful chemicals present in traditional metal halide fixtures.
Overall the LEDtronics post top lamp offers a multitude of advantages to your lighting application over the use of outdated technologies. Contact LEDtronics today to learn how they can assist you in the implementation of LED technology.
When the park surrounding Los Angeles City Hall reopened after eight months of repair work, sustainability and energy conservation were among a variety of articulated criteria for its restoration. City Hall Park was cordoned off by chain-link fence last year after police cleared hundreds of Occupy L.A. demonstrators who had camped on the lawn for nearly two months.
“We were presented with a choice — Reinvest in a park that is greener, smarter and more sustainable,” proclaimed Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa at the official reopening ceremony in July. The nearly $1 million in renovations included a smart irrigation installation, water retention schemes, turf reduction, replanting with water-stingy native vegetation, and investing in “energy-efficient LED lighting,” said the mayor.
Located around the tree-lined pathways and stairs of the 1.7-acre park are 13 lampposts whose ballasted 130-watt high-pressure-sodium post-top bulbs have recently been replaced with 27-watt LED lamps from LEDtronics, Inc., of Torrance, California.
Apart from the energy savings of 103 watts per unit, the LED lamps offer much longer product lifespans than HPS or Metal Halide, resulting in reduced replacement and maintenance costs; improved visibility and enhanced night vision (as compared with high glare from HID lamps), and reduction of hot-spots, all helping with crime prevention; reduced light pollution, because light can be directed where it is needed and not into surrounding office buildings; instant illumination with no delay in re-strike, and no ultraviolet emissions that attract insects.
The installed warm-white LEDtronics acorn-style post-top lamps operate on a 100-277VAC wide voltage range and provide a uniform pattern of light. The ETL-listed units feature a ventilated assembly that maintains a cool-running lamp, and an optimized circuitry that corrects the power factor for maximum efficiency. They are made in the USA from imported parts and meet Buy American requirements within the ARRA program. The lamps come with a 5-year factory warranty.
The lamps come with a 5-year factory warranty. Similar LEDtronics post-top LED lamps have been installed in neighborhoods all around Southern California, including the Pasadena Civic Center and its residential streets; Mountain Gate Park in Corona; all along Linden Avenue and the Metro station in Carpinteria; Library Park in Monrovia, and streets in Santa Ana.
For over 80 years the park surrounding the main City Hall building has served as a gathering place for the community and elected officials in the urban center of Los Angeles. With its latest rehabilitation with environment-friendly landscaping, water conservation and energy-efficient lighting from LEDtronics, the park has also become, as Mayor Villaraigosa indicated, a “symbol of sustainability.”
About LEDtronics®
Based in Torrance, California, LEDtronics, Inc., since 1983 has been a world leader in designing, manufacturing and packaging Solid State Lighting products and state-of-the-art LEDs to meet the world’s constantly changing lighting needs—from industrial control panel LED indicator lights to solid-state LED street lights, from direct incandescent- replacement based LED bulbs to direct fluorescent-replacement T8 LED tube lamps.
About LED30HPS-600-SIW-002
More information is available online for the LED30HPS-600-SIW-002 series of post-top LED lamps:
Location: Los Angeles, Calama, Antofagasta Region, Chile
In 1983, Pervaiz Lodhie came up with an idea for a company that would produce solely solid-state LED lighting, and so he began working out of his garage. But Pervaiz was not alone. He claims that his wife Almas Lodhie, co-founder of LEDtronics, rarely receives the credit she deserves.
As a mother, Almas consistently found herself balancing work and family. Pervaiz says that it was common to see Almas packaging orders or taking sales calls with their child in her other arm. As the company progressed, Almas’s role gradually shifted, though her commitment remained unwavering. Almas says that LEDtronics’s tremendous success is due in large part to the great staff, which she feels very lucky to work with. She is very excited to see what the future of LEDtronics will hold, both for their business, and for the environment.
Despite her massive commitment to LEDtronics, Almas says that her priority is always family. She says that when Pervaiz and her were first getting started, they made an agreement to keep the children first and work second. Since that founding day 30 years ago, the LEDtronics team has grown, leaving Almas free to spend her time in other ways. When she isn’t overseeing finances and sales at LEDtronics, you can find her at the Torrance Memorial Hospital, where she volunteers in the pharmacy. Almas also enjoys being a homemaker, and says that she enjoys doing home improvement projects, cooking, and entertaining. Almas is truly the unsung hero of LEDtronics.