LEDtronics has been a USA Manufacturer of LED lighting products since 1983. From the beginning, CEO and President, Pervaiz Lodhie made a strategic decision to resist the quick-fix mentality of moving overseas for cheap labor. He committed himself to building a company that values domestic jobs, USA manufactured products and the quality customer service that comes from having a US-based facility.
Since the 70's, United States based manufacturing has decreased by nearly 40%. While many of LEDtronics' competitors were moving production to overseas facilities, Pervaiz was formulating a plan he now calls the "Balanced Approach Manufacturing Solution." The plan nurtures the existing manufacturing facilities for products that are not profit and price sensitive. This allows LEDtronics to preserve vital US jobs and remain an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act compliant product manufacturer.
LEDtronics stands out from the competition by offering countless quality USA-made products, including their LED Cobrahead Street Lights and T8 Tube Lights. By maintaining US-based management, employment and customer service, LEDtronics is able to closely monitor the quality of their product and provide their customers with clear, immediate and personable assistance.
LEDtronics' philosophy was best described when Pervaiz said this:
"We strongly believed then as we do now that America's success in business was and should be today based not on quick fixes or quarterly-result pressures, but on utilizing the amazing innovative, creative and smart working skills and attitudes that Americans are best known for."