LEDtronics LED parking lot lights can be a solution to many problems and was for the Kingman Regional Medical Center. The Arizona Medical Center was looking to increase the lighting output in their parking lot for better use of their security cameras. After making the switch they ended up with many more benefits.
Through their local area representatives, Howard Industrial Sales, LEDtronics retrofitted 104 lamps with LED shoebox style street lights. The medical center was using 250-watt HPS lamps that were spaced 40-60 feet apart in the parking lot.
The HPS fixtures were upgraded to 88-watt LED luminaires that resulted in:
The upgrade coincided with Kingman Regional Medical Center’s move towards taking environmentally conscious actions and undertaking a leadership position in green solutions in their community.
They are now consuming 60% less energy with their parking lot lights and are projected to save slightly in excess of $100,000. LEDtronics was pleased to hear of Kingman Medical’s satisfaction and considers the project a great success.
LEDtronics has been “Creating the Future of Light Since 1983 providing energy efficient and environmentally friendly LED lighting products to customers. Through our innovative skills, we are able to address customers’ specific needs and provide expert technical assistance. If you are interested in learning more about saving through LED technology call us at (800) 579-4875.