LEDtronics provides over 10,000 products for thousands of applications that we see in our day to day life. On your daily morning commute you undoubtedly pass many lighted street signs. LEDtronics provides LED lit street signs that are designed to be high-shock, vibration resistant, improve brightness, and consume less energy.
Look up at work. Is your office lighted by standard fluorescent lamps or LEDtronics’ T8 tubes? T8 tubes use nearly 50% less energy, last for more than 50,000 hours and eliminate mercury hazards present in fluorescent tubes. These T8 lights can also be found in your local grocer’s freezer isle, display cases and sign lighting.
After the work day has ended and the sun has set, street lights will illuminate your drive home. LEDtronics’ LED street lights give off pure white light for increased nighttime visibility, use only 82 watts of energy and last for 10 years to save on replacement and maintenance costs.
You may also see LEDtronics lighting when taking an evening stroll through the park. LED Post Top lamps save up to 80% more on energy and maintenance costs than incandescent lights and have six times the life expectancy. Post top lamps may also be found on railway platforms, walkways and enclosures.
When the evening comes to a close, LEDtronics LED Outdoor Area Lights can illuminate your walkway or home entrance. These lights are night vision friendly, energy saving and last for more than 50,000 hours of continuous operation. They can also be found in landscape lighting, recreational areas, parking lots and corridors.
LEDtronics’ light is truly all around us and has been since 1983.