In this economy, many cities are in search of ways to cut costs and become more efficient. Street and parking lot lighting can be a major consumer of energy and budget to a city. Along with many other benefits, LEDtronics LED post top lamps offer a solution to this problem.
LEDtronics recently partnered with Carpinteria, CA to help reduce energy costs and switch from traditional High Pressure Sodium lights to LEDtronics LED lamps on their Amtrak platform and adjoining Linden Avenue. The 150 watt HPS bulbs were replaced by 27 watt LED lamps that have a 50,000 hour life expectancy, over three times as long as the HPS bulb. They are expecting a 66% reduction of energy consumption.
Payback from switching to LED can take as little as one and a half years and save up to 70% on energy and maintenance costs. While HPS lamps may need maintenance every 8,000 hours of usage, a LED post top lamp can last up to 5 years, maintenance free.
If implemented throughout a city, LED post top lamps can create safer nighttime visibility, cut back on energy usage and save money.
LEDtronics has been “Creating the Future of Light Since 1983 providing energy efficient and environmentally friendly LED lighting products to customers. Through their innovative skills, they are able to address customers’ specific needs and provide expert technical assistance. If you are interested in learning more about saving through LED technology call (800) 579-4875.